Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 38 of 40 That Never Ever Again Kinda Feeling

The responses on my yesterday’s blog were sweet and encouraging again. Not only yesterday but mostly. Honestly, I don’t feel down-hearted about the project of moving houses despite some tears now and then, however it’s heartening to receive so much empathy. In fact the challenging aspect of the whole thing is also positively exciting. I mean, planning, executing and making ad hoc decisions is something I’m apparently doing pretty okay. Although, there still remains an aspect in it that makes me want to do it my way and perhaps that’s why it took me 40 days. The fact is that letting go of my first own home, however rented it was the first in my name solely, means much to me. This house sheltered me for 8 years and 8 months and the idea that I’m not allowed to go in it anymore after handing in the keys Monday morning, that’s what made me a little tearful. And still does when I’m taking time to think about it. I’m sure that there will be some more tears before I drive off there for the last time.
Okay, I’m not the gypsy kind of type I used to think I was. And probably I’m sentimental. However, no matter how many memories you can carry with you in your life, for me it’s the real touchable thing what I fear to miss. Like when my dad died. I can think of him as much as I want but I can never ever talk with him again anymore.  
There are many wise things said about feelings like this. All meant to be helpful with coping with the more difficult parts of life. I want to add something helpful to it: Recognize, acknowledge and accept what you feel so it won’t take you by surprise unexpectedly. Never again is a very long time after all.  

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