I’ve got a working internet connection in the new house since this afternoon.
Which means that the one in the old house is disconnected but that is where my
computer still is. Slightly more inconvenient is that the landline doesn’t want
to work and the guy needs therefore to
come back tomorrow. He will fix it I’m sure.
I had missed a few calls on my cellphone this morning and as soon as the guy
had arrived I took a break from what I was doing and decided to call them back.
At the same time I was doing so, I heard the guy’s phone ringing in the hallway
where he was working, that typical Nokia tune. The one I was calling answered
and it occurred to me that he was from the same company as the guy in my
hallway. It took me a couple of seconds to realize it was him I was calling...
After a couple of hours when he still couldn’t
bring the landline to life, he said he gave up
trying and I suggested I’d borrow a phone from a friend that afternoon
to try if it was due to the phone or the line. He asked me if I could let him
know how that went because if it was the line he needed to come back. You’ve
already got my number, he said. That’s true because he’d called me, and I
called him, his number was automatically stored in my cell phone. I agreed and
decided to link that number to his name. Lately I’ve got funny new contacts,
for example Joe the Plumber , Jesse the
Carpenter or Jim the Upholsterer, because I only know their first names and
what they do. But in times of moving houses it can come in handy to know a craftsman who works good.
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