Mam, mom, mum, maman or mutti, regardless of the language spoken in the
countries in this part of Europe and probably in all Western civilization women
with children are being called a “M” word. Obvious ‘mmmm’ is the first
expression of appreciation from an infant after being fed by the woman who gave
birth to him. The sweet tasting, lukewarm milk straight from her breasts, is
something every baby likes. It is not so strange that ‘mmmm’ is also the sound
that springs to mind when expressing something you like, something good.
However, somehow the natural order of things seemed to have been skewed
a little since bottled milk became more popular. That must have caused the
modern trends like Yummie Mommies and best MILF contests. Seriously, I don’t
know why things are like that these days. For those who do not know it, Yummie Mommies
are mothers who still find time and effort to look gorgeous while pushing the
pram in such a way that they make many (male) heads turn when walking by.
Although I think that a real Yummie Mommie must have at least an au pair or
nanny who takes care of changing nappies and the rest of the downsides of
motherhood because it is hard to keep your own appearance appealing with baby spit
on your shoulder. As soon as a mother thinks she is out of the woods because
her little one has passed his potty training exam and can eat without throwing
every spoonful around the kitchen, time of playdates is looming. Then it is not
only a matter of working your socks off for your own appearance, but spring
cleaning your house every time after those little bastards are being collected
by their own mothers. Saying between gritted teeth that they behaved perfectly while
desperately thinking of how you can get rid of the play-doh on your
Things become totally different when your offspring enters adolescence.
Play dates are no longer necessary because the kids organize their own hang
outs. Preferably in your living room while you are at work. Pillage your
drinking cabinet and smoking weed, thinking you would not notice that smell when
they open the backdoor for fresh air, even in winter time. When you’ll come home and still manage to have
the looks and acting nice and cool that’s when you may earn a new title. From
Yummie Mommy you have been promoted to MILF. Secretly you may be going berserk
by the discovering of how your son’s friends are talking about you. Don’t boast
about that too soon. However appealing to be still hot, even in the eyes of
adolescents, literally it goes against your standards of how men should treat
women. Show a girl respect. Control yourself. Sex is something precious, that
kind of stuff. That is what you have been teaching your little boy for years
after all. Not to witness that he is starting to fill his father’s boots who is
talking the same language with his lads after a couple of beer too many. Except,
men of his father’s age are aiming for younger women more often.
Of course all I stated above was meant to be a little sarcastic and
exaggerated. I could easily have boasted about how my children act contrary (as
far as I am aware of) because today it is Mother’s day. I have been showered
with love and respect from my kids on any day of the year, for years. Anyway, I
heard on the radio this week about a contest of best MILF. The DJ discussing the
subject was definitely way past his twenties, even his thirties and perhaps
even his forties. Apparently this issue
is intriguing for men of all ages. It just made me wonder.
Could there be some truth in Freud’s theory about the oral stadium of
development? I doubt it. Although, you cannot deny that there is something
strange about a best MILF contest and even about the desire to be a Yummy Mommy.
To be a yummy woman is something else. That’s what’s bugging me, I think.
Mommies are on a totally different level
than women in general. Mommies should be kind, or even a little serene,
anything far from sexy. Any kid disgusts the idea of their parents having
Maybe we just should not take the abbreviation MILF too literally. Maybe
we women a.k.a. mommies should take it as a compliment that we achieved still
being attractive to the opposite sex being in our forties. Something our
grandmothers couldn’t because they sacrificed their jobs and their lives to
become a full-time mother and who other than the milkman should they have made
an effort for? Times have changed and even mommies go to work daily, meeting
many people on the job. And after coming home they change back in their loving
and caring role of mommy. Super women. That is why they want to keep in shape. So
that you can have Mommies I’ll Love Forever.
I just got my present from my three lovely daughters: A whole day
relaxing together in a Hammam. To get rid of the stress from hard working and
taking care of them, as they said. Mmmmm. The cuties! They are the lights in this
crazy rat race that keep me going.
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