Although very tempting for the short term prospect, I will not settle
for crash dieting. I’ve decided not only to lose 30 pounds and tighten my skin but
I also wish to become more energetic. So, there it is, I stated it out loud here
in my blog for you all to be witness of my goal. While I am typing this down
there is just the slightest bit of doubt bubbling up in my mind; Do I really
want to go for it? All I can say to that is: “Yes, yes, yes!”. Now this first
obstacle has been taken, to admit openly that I want to be slimmer it is time to
come up with a proper plan of how to really accomplish that. It will be a little
difficult to find a healthy diet because I am a picky eater. I absolutely won’t
eat anything that has been living in the water or has had wings on its body.
And, I have become really addicted to my daily dose of chocolate. But hey,
nobody said this would be easy. I think I also need something to visualize the
amount of what I want to get rid of and see the progress I will be making. I am
looking at the stack of textbooks I’ve digested for school so far, and thinking
how heavy they are. I pick up my Eastpack rucksack and start filling it with
books. There it goes:
- - Cognitive
Neuroscience (hardcopy), 4.2 pounds
- - Personality
Psychology/Abnormal Psychology, Custom edition for Leiden University, 2.6
- - Abnormal
Child and Adolescent Psychology, 2 pounds
- - The
Neuroscience of Clinical Psychiatry, 1.5 pounds
- - Attention,
Theory and Practice, 1.5 pounds
- - Critical
Thinking, 2 pounds
- - Psychometrics,
1.5 pounds
- - Behavioral
Research Methods, 1.5 pounds
- - Cognitieve
Sociale Psychology, 1.5 pounds
I have to take
another bag because no matter how hard I push, there won’t fit anything anymore
in this one. And I am only halfway.
- - 4
small books from Psychopathology, Assessment and Interventions, together 3.4
- - Seksuologie,
2.7 pounds
- - Discovering
Statistics using SPSS (and sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll), 3.4 pounds
- - The
Science of Emotion, 1 pound
O my, I’ve run out of books because I’ve already sold much from the
first and second year and adding it all up makes the sum of 27.3 pounds, almost
there though. I will add the syllabi from the five statistics courses and the one
from the bachelor project to round it up to 30 pounds. It feels very heavy when
I try to lift both bags. No wonder I am out of breathe so easily. Now that it
has become very vivid what I am challenging I will have to think thoroughly of
both a food and an exercise plan. I will do that coming week. For now I am glad
that I didn’t buy any chocolate eggs for Easter but I will enjoy the Easter
brunch today very much, as if it is the last supper. Happy Easter everybody!
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